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pocket’s sky
口袋的天空  detail>>
in the sky
天空里的卡斯尔 在空中 在天空里 在天空中 在天上  detail>>
of the sky
苍穹  detail>>
 n.  1.天,天空。 2.【宗教】天国。 3.〔常 pl.〕天气;气候,风土。 4.天蓝色。 5.〔口语〕画展室的顶列画。&n...  detail>>
the sky
f 天空  detail>>
to the sky
到天国, 极度 无保留地  detail>>
 n.  1.衣袋;钱袋;(袋鼠等的)袋;小袋;【军事】袋形阵地(中的部队)。 2.金钱,财富,资力;零用钱。 3.【撞球】球囊;(羊毛等的)一袋〔约...  detail>>
sky patrol; sky survey
巡天观测  detail>>
pitch pocket or gum pocket
树脂襄  detail>>
resin pocket; pith pocket
树脂囊  detail>>
slant pocket angle pocket
斜袋  detail>>
a blue sky
蔚蓝的天空  detail>>
a clear sky
明朗的天空 天高气爽  detail>>
a gloomy sky
灰暗的天空  detail>>
a horseman in the sky
空中骑士  detail>>
a lonely sky
孤寂的天空  detail>>
a perfect sky
广告曲  detail>>
a pie in the sky
梦想 渺茫的幸福;空头支票 虚幻的美景  detail>>